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Mindy Dow

When love knocks on your hidden door...

And when love finds its way to the hidden door of your heart, please don’t ever walk away from it, for love is the rarest gift. Why would anyone walk away from love? Because of fear. When you open to love, your life is going to change. This change is a profound and overwhelming blessing. (“You cannot direct the course of love. For love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.” - Kahlil Gibran) Love is Holy in this way.

So, the fearful ones, who didn’t logically plan for love to redirect their course, stay in their familiar attachments, where fear disguises itself as some sort of love. They stay in relationships that thrive on dependency, silence, separation, pretending, control, possessiveness, manipulation, and the kind of social acceptance and familial approval they are used to.

Keeping conventional promises becomes more critical than embracing the longing and integrity in their hearts. Doesn’t all love come from God in her own timing, not ours? Why would you assume the conventional rule you promised to follow takes precedence over that? Did Jesus follow all the conventional rules? I don’t think so. Did the Buddha? Nope. In fact, not many enlightened people ever followed the rules, did they?

The fearful ones, with their tunnel vision and overthinking minds, stop feeling what’s in their hearts and start following their logical ego instead because it’s traditionally what they were taught and easier they think, when in fact, it becomes tortuous as time passes because it gave short term relief but leads to long term harm. This is fear’s path.

Then they try to convince themselves every day that they are happy (“And they laugh, but not all of their laughter. And they cry, but not all of their tears.”-Kahlil Gibran) while their hidden door stays closed. This is the most devastating reality.

When love finds its way to your hidden door, there is a Holy reason for it. Find a way to let it into the neglected parts of your heart—yes, the neglected parts of your heart. Love came knocking at your hidden door to heal you so you’d stop hiding that forgotten or undiscovered part of yourself. Don’t walk away from it ever, “though its ways are hard and steep.”—Kahlil Gibran.

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